Lightning Speed & Security
We offer you the option to bundle your server with our secure VPN tunnel that makes sure no one but you have access to the server.

Cross Platform Support
Our VPN can be accessible for all major platforms - Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, iOS - you name it.

Highly Secure
With RSA 256 bit encryption you can rest assure your communication with the server can never be intercepted & deciphered.

Restricted Access
The best part of the VPN is that your server's backend can only be accessed by the VPN IP thus eliminating the risk of hacking completely.

Premium Bandwidth
We have redundant Tier-1 Network Providers with multiple failover systems in place. Your network traffic gets fastest possible routing through our internal routing management.

Simultaneous Connections
With our multi-session support you can access the VPN from multiple devices simultaneously allowing server authentication to multiple server administrators.

Total Protection
BlockDOS servers are 100% protected from a multitude of DDoS Attacks - UDP, HTTP, Syn Flood, Layer 7 - you name it. We filter out malicious traffic and send only clean traffic to your web infrastructure.